Ekrem Çulfa Dr Ekrem Çulfa Aile Evlilik Çift Terapistleri
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Earthquakes May Cause Stress Disorder in Our Family and Individual Life MyLife Turkey TV 'to psycho
Earthquakes May Cause Stress Disorder in Our Family and Individual Life

MyLife Turkey TV 'to psychotherapist speaking Couples Marriage Family Therapist Dr. Ekrem Çulfa,
He pointed out the importance of psychological support to earthquake survivors after the 6.8 earthquake that hit Elazig and Malatya. Çulfa pointed out that there should be close attention to victims and especially children in earthquake victims,
“Earthquakes create stress disorder that spreads for many years. No matter how children react, it is the group most affected. Anxiety and fear increase in children is observed after the event. He may not want to leave his family. In older children who can express themselves, it is necessary to talk and chat. ” He spoke in the form.
Psychotherapist Ekrem Julfa, 6.8 earthquake Mylife for doing what living in Turkey for earthquake victims Tver 'found in unveiling.
“Earthquakes create stress disorder that spreads for both family and individual long years”
Psychotherapist Ekrem Çulfa, who stated that the human soul is a test with an earthquake,
“The devastating earthquake in Elazig frightened once again and reminded us of the past. The earthquake of 1999 is still in our memory ... And these common wounds are another value that connects us… As we know, we are geographically earthquake zone. However, the fact that you live in the earthquake zone does not cause you to be affected by the event. Therefore, every earthquake; it triggers anxiety and fear in those who witness this pain as well as those who witness it. Psychological research has shown that earthquakes create stress disorder that spreads over many years. said.
“It is very natural for a person to experience shock in sudden events”
Psychotherapist Ekrem Çulfa continued his words as follows:
“Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) manifests itself in many ways, but fear and anxiety are at the forefront. This means that together with shock, the immune system is mentally weak. It is very natural for a person to experience shock in sudden events. Human beings generally care about order. Because every existing order is familiar and safe. The event that occurs during shock causes an 'emergency' alarm to be given to the brain and it is recorded with all the details and is fixed in some way. With the experience of shocking intertwined with each other in terms of image, sound, smell, color, and feeling, the person may become a chain of problems that occupy his years in the long term (even if he does not notice it). ”

“Fears and worries are also effective with the age factor”
Psychotherapist Ekrem Çulfa pointed out that the losses caused by the earthquake are experienced emotionally as well as physically.
“The shock in sudden events is to be exposed to situations that shook us that we are not actually ready for and expect. All losses such as earthquake, flood, fire, death, moving are some of them. It is a really heavy situation that future plans, dreams, hopes and memories disappear at once. The psychological states of people are also effective in interpreting the bad events. The degree to which each individual is affected and the reaction to the events are different. Fears and concerns are also effective with the age factor. ”
“It is also normal to experience focusing difficulties”
“As a result of natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, fires, helplessness and helplessness are combined with fear in human suffering. It is normal in this process to experience many emotions such as fear, anxiety, anxiety, anger, anxiety, hopelessness, guilt, pessimism, frustration. ” Psychotherapist Ekrem Çulfa said, “Individuals may have ups and downs too frequently. Thoughts, feelings, behaviors are also shaped, even variable, under the influence of these sudden events. The events are fresh and the past repeats in the mind. There is also the fear of experiencing the same event again. It is also normal to experience distraction, difficulties in remembering, instability, difficulties in focusing. If there are those who have lost their relatives in these natural disasters, feelings of sadness, anger and guilt are also inevitable. ” He spoke in the form.
“Somehow, transfer of emotions should be provided”
Psychotherapist Ekrem Çulfa, who said that some people can act as if they were unaffected by the incident, said:
“It can look strong at that moment by running around and helping. Although it may seem unaffected, pessimism, malaise, sadness, perhaps introversion will begin after a certain period of time. Although the person does not have his own awareness, the surroundings should pay attention to this issue. In natural disasters such as earthquakes, you observe that some people do not react dullly. There is no mimic. These are the responses given by the shock of the moment and which vary depending on the person. Somehow, the transfer of emotions should be provided. ”
“Emotions should be expressed as much as possible”
Mylife about the psychological approach to earthquake victims in Turkey Tver 'found in unveiling Psychotherapist Ekrem Julfa,
“If possible, it is necessary to try to express emotions and to export them. Some may need to tell the incident constantly, while others may have inward closures. Emotions should be expressed as much as possible. It should be known that this process takes as much time as it is difficult. ” said.
“Rebellions can be observed”
Psychotherapist Ekrem Çulfa said:
“Regardless of the name, the process of 'mourning' is experienced in all losses. This process starts with a 'shock' and it may take time to accept and digest this sudden event. I wish the ends are not over. Accusations or feelings of guilt are another aspect of this mourning process, it is normal. Appeal to insolvency or coping, revolts can be observed. This period is quite variable depending on the condition of the person. And quality time is needed to get in order and return to normal daily life. It is a good method to not be inward, to try to be social, to continue the habits that are good before. "
“Need to talk and chat with children”
Emphasizing the need to be more sensitive to children affected by the earthquake, Psychotherapist Ekrem Çulfa said, “No matter how children react, it is the most affected group. Anxiety and fear increase in children is observed after the event. He may not want to leave his family. Most problems that occur in adults, such as physical intimacy with the mother or father, not leaving them, not sleeping alone, sleep problems, fear of losing, can also occur in children. In this process, it is necessary to spend more time with children and get support according to the situation. Game therapy, emdr therapy is beneficial for children who are unable to convey their sense of social activities and who have difficulty. In older children who can express themselves, it is necessary to talk and chat. ” He spoke in the form.
“Otherwise, it will be more difficult to return to normal life daily”
Psychotherapist Ekrem Çulfa completed his words as follows:
“If the symptoms have not disappeared in the weeks after the event, whether children or adults, professional help should be obtained. Otherwise, it will be more difficult to return to daily life. If the grieving process cannot be overcome properly, if the necessary interventions are not made, it starts to affect the life of the person with different behavioral disorders. Many methods such as psychotherapy, emdr therapy, hypnotherapy game therapy are effective methods applied by experts for support. Any sudden event and situation that gets stuck, changes direction and branches with different symptoms can only be corrected with professional help. ”

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