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About the March 8 International Women's Day and Women's Issues and Solutions in Turkey
About the March 8 International Women's Day and Women's Issues and Solutions in Turkey
March 8, International Women's Day approaching, women's employment in Turkey, a stunning family and provider awareness and research about private life I wanted to share with you. In this article, we will try to reach the answers of the following questions:
1. Are housework shared?
2. Who should bring the money home?
3. Is equality between men and women a dream or a reality?
4. What are the dimensions of physical violence?
5. Who is most violent?
6. Who is most violent?
7. What are the dimensions of psychological violence?
8. What does research on digital violence say?
9. Do women know how to prevent psychological violence and where to get help in such a situation?
10. Should the number of women in business change?
11. What are the biggest problems of women in business life?
12. And other surprise issues…

The NG Research company conducted a public opinion survey on women, men and society. Research in Turkey, over the age of 18, from different socio-economic groups with the participation of 2257 people was conducted online research platform on my www.benderimki.co.
The results of the research, which shed light on important issues about our society, continue in the article…
Are housework shared?
Traditionally, household chores are seen as female. But how has the increased educational opportunities of women and their more involvement in business life changed the traditional responsibility of housework?
71% of the participants think that responsibility for housework should be shared. 27% stated that the responsibility belongs to women, while the rate of those who state that men are responsible is only 2%.
Who should bring the money home?
We have seen that a generalization in the subconsciousness about the responsibility of housework is slowly changing on the society. Our traditional family structure in our country brings the father to the fore as people who make money and the mother is interested in housework. So, is there any change in who is responsible for making money?
While 65% of the participants state that making money should be a joint responsibility, 35% state that this responsibility belongs to the man. When we look deeply at the subject, 75% of the participants between the ages of 18-24 indicate that earning money should be a common responsibility, and indicates that this approach will change further in the coming years. The new generation believes that life is common more than anyone.
Is the equality between men and women a dream or a reality?
Gender equality is one of the issues that has come to the fore more recently. Our country is among the first countries to provide women with the right to vote. But when we look at our daily life, is equality talking or does it really exist? As per article 10 of the constitution in our country, women and men have equal rights before the law. But the opinions of the participants in daily life are a little different.
While 8 out of every 10 people participating in the study think that there is no gender equality in our country, 2 think that they are equal. When we look at the answers of only female participants, the ratio of those who think that there is no equality is 9 out of every 10 people.
What are the dimensions of physical violence?

One of the saddest incidents that frequently appear on the agenda is physical violence that a spouse or lover applies to a woman and can lead to murder. How many women remain silent about violence until they reach this stage? How many of us have experienced such events? Research sheds light on these questions.
1 out of every 5 women participating in the research said that she was subjected to physical violence at least once in her life by her husband or lover.
The proportion of men is about 1 in 3 of women.
When we ask the participants who are exposed to physical violence to briefly explain their situation, we see that the most common physical violence is slapping. The frequent use of the word “and” also indicates that it has been subjected to violence in more than one way. In addition, when we look at the whole research, we see that physical violence and psychological violence are practiced quite frequently.
Approximately 4 out of 10 people exposed to physical violence do not tell this to anyone.

Approximately 4 out of 10 people share this situation with their 1st degree relatives such as their mother, father and brother. Close friends are the most shared after the family. 1 in 3 people share this situation with their close friends.
Do you know what those who are exposed to physical violence can do to prevent this and where they can get support? He stated that he knew about 3 out of every 4 people who participated in the research. This rate is slightly higher in women than in men. On the other hand, the proportion of those who have this information is slightly lower in people who have been subjected to physical violence than non-violent people.
What is the level of psychological violence?
Generally, psychological violence occurs with events such as shouting, swearing, making the person feel inadequate, and trying to humiliate them. It is among the types of psychological violence to damage the things that the person likes and prevent the person from doing what they want. In particular, the most common situation is to constantly compare the person with others.
Psychological violence is a form of violence that is difficult to notice and makes one feel guilty, insecure and helpless. People who have been exposed to psychological violence for a long time may develop situations that have long-lasting effects such as stress disorder, addiction and depression. According to the results of the research, psychological violence, which endangers the mental health of people, is applied more than physical violence.
1 in 3 people stated that they were exposed to psychological violence at least once in their lives. The proportion of women who state that they are experiencing psychological violence is twice the number of men.
Another point that the research reveals is that people cannot define psychological violence in their daily lives. 10% of those who are subjected to psychological violence are not fully aware that they are living because they cannot define it.
The most common situation among people experiencing psychological violence is that they do not share this issue with anyone. While 4 out of 10 people who experience psychological violence do not mention this to anyone, approximately 4 people share it with their close friends. Approximately 1 in 3 people tell the situation to their family. Communicating the issue to government agencies (such as police, judiciary) is seen in 1 out of every 25 people, and forwarding to non-governmental organizations is seen in 1 out of every 100 people.
Six out of 10 people do not know how to prevent psychological violence and where to get help in such a situation. Although we are exposed to more psychological violence than physical violence, it seems that we have less information about what solution can be found and what can be done.
Are you violent?
When we say whether you have been subjected to violence or not, you have a different picture.
While 20% of women state that they have experienced physical violence from their spouse or lover at least once in their lives, the proportion of men who state that they have committed physical violence is only 9%.
While 6% of men state that they have experienced physical violence from their spouse or lover at least once in their lives, the rate of women who stated that they have committed physical violence is 8%.
When we look at your spouse or lover for psychological violence, you come across an interesting picture. While 43% of women state that they have experienced psychological violence at least once in their lives, the proportion of men who state that they have committed psychological violence is only 16%.
While 22% of men stated that they experienced psychological violence at least once in their life from their spouse or lover, the proportion of women who stated that they used psychological violence was 16%.
Should the number of women in business change?

Nowadays, women's educational opportunities have increased compared to the past and the social structure has also increased the number and proportion of women in business life. So, is the proportion of women participating in business life considered sufficient at this point?
3 out of every 4 people think that more women should participate in business life. 1 in 10 people think that the number of women participating in business should decrease.
What are the biggest problems of women in business life?

Business life has many difficulties for everyone. But some women face more problems.
According to 9 out of every 20 people, the biggest difficulty women face in business life is the responsibility of housework as well as the pace in the workplace.
Approximately 4 out of every 20 people stated that it is the second most important problem for women to be exposed to physical abuse in business life. The problem in the 3rd place was that 2 out of every 20 people stated that they experienced more psychological violence than men. Both men and women agree on the ranking of these problems.

See you in the beautiful days where our women and men will be happy in every sense…

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